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(978) 465-5358 194 High St
Newburyport, MA 01950

Could Sleep Apnea Be Giving You Nightmares?

August 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newburyport @ 1:12 pm
Top view of young man sleeping in bed

Are you familiar with the symptoms of sleep apnea? Snoring and excessive tiredness during the day are two of the most common examples, but there can be other consequences as well. In particular, sleep apnea can often have an impact on your dreams – and in many cases, it can even lead to vivid nightmares. Here’s a closer look at the relationship between sleep apnea and dreaming.


4 Reasons to Visit Your Dentist Before Summer Vacation

May 23, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newburyport @ 8:59 pm
Smiling couple taking selfie on airplane

Whether you’re leaving town for a road trip or an adventure overseas, you likely have lots of things on your to-do list – from booking hotels to packing your toiletries. One thing that should be on this list, but is often completely forgotten about, is scheduling a dental checkup. If that’s not already on your calendar, then keep reading to learn four reasons to visit your dentist before leaving for summer vacation!


Dental Bridge VS Partial Denture – Which Is Best for Me?

February 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — newburyport @ 7:21 pm
dentist explaining difference between partial dentures and dental bridges

Are you looking to restore several missing teeth or a whole mouthful of departed pearly whites? If so, you fortunately have plenty of options, including dental bridges and partial dentures. While both of these tooth replacement options are effective ways to enhance your smile, choosing between them can be challenging. To help you decide, keep reading as we explore the main differences between dental bridges and partial dentures.


Holiday Travel Hygiene: 5 Essential Tips for Caring for Your Teeth on the Go

December 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — newburyport @ 6:03 pm
A holiday-themed suitcase with an oral health kit inside

The holiday season often means hitting the road or taking to the skies to spend quality time with loved ones. While travel can be exhausting and stressful, it’s important that you don’t neglect your dental care routine. While it may be tempting to let it slide because “it’s the holidays,” cavities and gum disease never sleep!

If you want to keep your oral health in top condition while traveling, continue reading. Follow these seven essential tips to ensure your smile stays bright and healthy during your holiday adventures.


Get Those Dental Fillings Before the Year Ends!

September 2, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — newburyport @ 10:42 pm
a patient visiting her dentist for a filling

If during your last checkup, your dentist informed you that you have a cavity, you might be feeling a little reluctant to have it filled; it’s just one more thing to worry about as the year begins to wind down! But cavities aren’t something that you should ever leave unaddressed, as the oral health risks they pose are far too great. Not to mention, if you have dental insurance, you should want to take advantage of those benefits before they reset. Keep reading below to learn more about dental fillings and why you shouldn’t hesitate to get one before the year’s end; your smile and wallet will thank you!


Keeping Things Invisible: How to Care for your ClearCorrect Aligners

July 19, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — newburyport @ 5:08 pm
Woman smiles indoors

One of the most important reasons people choose  ClearCorrect over braces is that it is virtually invisible. The process uses a series of transparent aligners molded to the patient’s teeth. Each aligner, or tray, lasts for two weeks and then the patient moves to the next tray in the sequence. This accomplishes what was done with unsightly metal bands in traditional braces.

You might think that each tray lasting only two weeks means that they can be used and disposed of without any special cleaning, but that is not true. ClearCorrect trays can stain and accrue harmful bacteria without proper care. Read on to learn about how to keep your ClearCorrect trays hygienic and transparent.


Turn Back the Clock on Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry!

May 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — newburyport @ 9:15 pm
an older couple smiling with healthy teeth

As the years go by, it’s natural to see changes in your appearance. The wisdom you have gained through life may show through a few more wrinkles or a bit of gray hair. However, your age can also be revealed through your smile. Your pearly whites begin to change the more you live life. The good news is that cosmetic dentistry can help you turn back the hands of time on them! Read on to learn how aging changes your smile and how your dentist can help you have a youthful grin.


Boost Your Confidence with Dental Implants

March 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — newburyport @ 9:09 pm
person smiling after getting dental implants

Missing teeth can lead to insecurities in your beam and discomfort while smiling. Dental implants offer a solution to your negative feelings about your pearly whites by restoring confidence and filling in the gaps. Implants function and look like natural teeth, allowing for ease in eating, speaking, and smiling. Continue reading to learn about five of the ways that dental implants can give you a confidence boost and a gorgeous grin you’ll love.


Can Gum Disease Be Cured?

January 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — newburyport @ 3:27 am

Model of advanced gum diseaseCavities aren’t the only culprit of tooth loss. Gum disease can also cause missing teeth, but an incomplete smile isn’t the only concern. It is linked to increasing the risk of many serious health issues, like cardiovascular disease and Alzheimer’s disease. While you may not believe you’re at risk, 50% of adults have the preventable infection. Thankfully, your oral and general health doesn’t have to be casualties of the infection. Here’s how your dentist can cure gum disease.


3 Smile-Friendly Gifts Ideas for Stocking Stuffers

November 8, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — newburyport @ 6:39 pm
example of stocking stuffers in Newburyport

Now that the weather is chillier and the brilliant lights are popping up around the neighborhood, you know the holidays are upon us. One of the biggest highlights of the festive season is watching your loved ones open up their presents or sort through their stockings for goodies. While sugary treats and candy are often the popular items to gift someone, they can be detrimental to oral health. To preserve their pearly whites, here are three exciting smile-friendly gift ideas you should consider for stocking stuffers!

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